Healing for your mind, body, emotions, and soul.


If any of the following resonate with you then it is not a coincidence you have arrived here, where you can experience profound, healing, change, and transformation for True-Self Wellness.


Depressed, stressed and overwhelmed?

Anxious, feeling sick in the gut?

Vacant, lost, or disconnected?

Unable to recover from emotional trauma?

Holding onto past guilt, and/or shame?

Confused, unbalanced, and fragmented?

Fatigued, drained, and exhausted?

Conflicted, stuck, or resisting life?

Have negative self-image issues?


 True-Self Wellness empowers you to stand in your true integrity and authenticity to help heal the mind of negative self-talk and negative self-image.

It will help to heal your emotional state through gentle processes that allow acceptance and integration.

It will help to heal physical issues the body may be experiencing due to imbalances in your mind & emotions.

And, it will help to heal your soul from previous trauma carried through into this incarnational cycle so you are able to live in service to your soul’s growth.

This is profound, comprehensive healing, and transitional, work to help you to heal, balance, transition through, and integrate fears, doubts, stress, anxiety, depression, trauma, inner conflict, and imbalance using many powerful and effective modalities.

 Quantum Energy Healing

Clinical Hypnosis 


Timeline Therapy®

Advanced ThetaHealing™

Mindfulness Meditation

 Limiting belief structures, patterns and emotions, when suppressed and ignored, are held within the body, and mind, as unconscious patterns and metaphors that can have a negative debilitating effect upon our physical, emotional, mental, and spiritual bodies/matrix.

 This intuitive integrative healing work gets to the root cause of these limiting patterns ensuring integration which enables a more harmonious return to balance and True-Self Wellness.

 The Quantum Energy Healing follows to cohesively brings this all together to restore natural bioenergetic homeostasis of the physical, emotional, mental, spiritual and subtle energy bodies and layers.  This creates the space necessary for the embodiment of more of your True-Self which will naturally and with greater ease.


Learn more about how healing here>

Receive 1:1 True-Self Empowered Guidance and coaching to help you open pathways of communication to your True-Self so you can learn to accept yourself, reclaim your power, respect yourself, restore high levels of self-esteem, and learn to love yourself.  You will be guided, and coached, to recognise the habitual patterns that keep you in that negative loop and you will feel more empowered and confident which will help restore your acceptance, respect, esteem, and love for ‘Self’.

 You will receive a toolbox full of tools and techniques so you can cultivate, and maintain, your newfound True-Self Empowerment.  Guidance to feeling True-Self Empowered is accepting all parts of you.  Seeing things from a broader perspective will help you understand how these patterns have become so established, and how they continue to play out in your life.

 Recycling patterns of feeling







and having negative self-image issues

 fuel the negative self-talk which perpetuates how, or if, you love and accept ourselves

 By reconnecting with the integrity of the True-Self, you will begin to understand why you have felt so disconnected and alone.   

 I can offer you a guiding light of encouragement and support as I walk with you through this journey back to your True-Self.

Find out more about True-Self Guidance here>


There is a reason Yoga has been around for thousands of years.

Yoga is not just a practice, it is a complete active process that will empower you to engage, and flow, not only through poses on the mat, but with the world, and life, in an harmoniously balanced way.  Commit to True-Self Acceptance through:

Vinyasa Yoga

Hatha Yoga

Chakra Yoga

Yin Yoga

Mindfulness Meditation

There are so many myths about Yoga that prevent people from ever trying it.  A couple of those myths are “I am not flexible enough to do Yoga”, “Yoga is for women”, “Yoga is just glorified stretching”.

What if, instead of listening to other people’s narrative, you listened to your own intuitive True-Self that tells you that Yoga will offer you a beautiful foundation for physical, and mental flexibility, strength, balance, mindfulness, union of mind, body, breath/spirit.

Group and corporate mindfulness meditation programs are available on request.

Find out more about YOGA here>

~ Fiona’s greatest passion is to shine a guiding light to help you find your optimal level of ‘INNER PEACE’ so that you can lead a happy fulfilled life. ~

~ Testimonials ~

The yin yoga class with Fiona was a combination of mental and physical exercise that was a worthy and fun challenge for me to come to terms with the ins and outs of my own body. I felt that the session boosted my circulation and released the stiffness in my body. It also made me aware of the gentle postures, which I believe gave me deeper relaxation and helped me to sleep really well that night. Thanks Fiona, I will be back!

See you next Tuesday ?


“I’ve had many sessions with Fiona, each one grounded my nervous system and left me feeling wonderful. The journey ever changes but each time I have had something to work through and gave the intention to release.

While she does, the energy work I feel, see, hear many things all of which I am ready for and of course all of which help me to let go of what’s no longer needed. Today in our session I saw and felt my DNA and cells changing form. Re-forming to the new higher density. It was magnificent to see my cells that were burden with red and black be transformed with golden divine light become new again. After this I saw my DNA moulding, turning and renewing itself. Re-joining together to create a new me! I can’t wait to continue the great work with Fiona she has helped me grow spiritually and even in day to day life with my kids. Because why would you want to carry what you no longer need?”



Graphic Designer QLD

First time at Yin Yoga with Fiona. x  Exactly what my body and soul needs, the class was amazing and totally recommend it.  I’m hooked.  Thank you Fiona.  


“I have now received three sessions from Fiona … and found myself each time immediately falling into relaxation without having to try. Which is always a bonus to have someone do it for you! After five or ten minutes I fell into a deep ‘space’ of Peace and allowed the process to work its magic. Which it certainly did. I ‘came round’ exactly on the hour which proves to me I was not asleep … and over the next 48 hours or so … received the flowing energy of The Divine through my Being . I would Highly recommend a session for the value of just this one hour is most beneficial. On a personal level I KNOW Fiona to be a lady of integrity and Truth … seeking only to serve the Highest good.”

Blossom Goodchild

Experiencing Yin Yoga is a must!!  The way your mind and body naturally relaxes to a state of tranquility is extraordinary.  I now feel recharged, whilst also feeling a sense of relief, as if a weight has been lifted from my shoulders.  What an incredible experience.  I will definitely be back. 


“I have had the pleasure of knowing Fiona for over 20 years. During this time I have worked closely with Fiona, as a teacher, to help her develop skills and techniques in energy healing modalities.

More recently we have worked intensively together as healing buddies and I have personally received some amazing experiences and insights on physical, mental, emotional and spiritual levels, during my sessions with Fiona.

Fiona is a highly professional, competent, caring and honest person, who has a deep desire to help clients to develop their own inner abilities to heal themselves.”

Flora B de Groot

Reflexologist, Reiki and Theta Healing Teacher and Practitioner. Bachelor of Education

“I went to see Fiona at a point of transition in my life for energy facilitation sessions. These were deeply relaxing and spiritually nourishing experiences. Fiona is authentic and clear in the way she works. I also learned so much from our conversations, from which I was able to shift into more expansive perspectives about my life and spirituality. I felt a deep sense of trust, safety and presence spending time together, that she is truly dedicated to serving the Highest Good.”

Cass - QLD

“I have been seeing Fiona White as my healer for just over a year now.

What can I say. I don’t ‘really’ understand what gifts have been bestowed upon this magical woman. But all I know and need, is that when I leave my sessions with Fiona – my inner voice of my truest self is more dominant than ever.

Fiona makes you feel comfortable from the very beginning – she makes vulnerability an asset to your life. I have been in the position of being ‘scared’ to tell Fiona my whole truth, yet she blankets you with such a soft loving energy that makes you want to let everything go and just surrender. She is one of my safest confidants.

If you are going through changes in your life of any scale, if you are feeling stuck in life, if you feel that you need to gain more understanding of the journey you are on, I could not recommend Fiona more.

She’s a gift to us all X”



Yin Yoga was an incredible experience.  My mind and body felt the most relaxed it has for a long time.  I found myself relaxing and daydreaming.  I felt a sense of extreme relaxation, where my body felt as if it was floating.  I am now feeling recharged and re-energised.  I cannot recommend Yin Yoga enough.  Thanks Feef, it was good to zone out and chill.  

K. H.

The Yin Yoga class was very enjoyable.  It put me in a relaxing state which I didn’t realise how much I needed.  I suffer from anxiety and stress which Yin Yoga helped drastically with.  I cannot recommend the class enough, and I will definitely be back.  


“Fiona is a natural and gifted Healer and Teacher. She is so in tune with the energy in which she is facilitating. It is magical to witness Fiona working with this energy, it’s like she is enveloped in an aura of true beauty, grace, confidence, truth, light and love………love always,”


Yoga and Reiki Teacher

“Fiona is a natural healer who works with a high degree of integrity, professionalism, kindness and thoughtfulness for the people that she assists. I have personally received healing sessions from Fiona and had very powerful positive results. You will receive favourable healing as well for your body, mind and soul….

Oh my goodness Fiona—thank you for our session!!!!!!!!!!!!!

I was driving home an hour before our session, thinking about many other things when you instantly popped into my awareness. Then at 5 minutes prior to the session I felt an urgency to lie down and settle in. I felt and saw your presence next to me. At some point I actually felt your hands pressing down on my abdomen and felt the blankets move slightly with the pressing down motion. WOW!!!

I saw the release of 2 globs of something lift out of me. 25 minutes or so in the session I became extremely HOT and then that subsided. Now here is something that is very weird even for me: I had the vision of the right side of my back open up and a healthy baby lifted out of the opening. I held it then all of that disappeared. It opened up out of the exact place that I have been having terrible muscle spasms. Isn’t that amazing! I then felt an enormous calm flow over me and went into a deep sleep. I was up at 6am very perky. I usually drag out about 8:30am. I immediately unloaded the car of a bunch of things and began my day etc. 

Please, please realize what a clear vessel you are for this healing. Make some business cards or flyers made with all of your training listed and do not try to give it a name just list the different techniques that you have learned. No one will even think to ask you which one you are doing because it is unique healing vibration.

Off you go into your new adventure!!!!!!!   With all the love I have to give…………..Tina”


USA – International Author, Lecturer, Intuitive

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